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XII. Match the English sentences with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. It impairs your vision. a)ви втрачаєте сексуальну при вабливість

2.It takes your breath away б) воно забруднює повітря та відштовхує від

and gives you emphysema. вас друзів, котрі не палять;.

3.It cause lung cancer and в) воно ослаблює ваш зір;

cancer of the throat.

4. It turns your teeth and fingers г) ваші зуби, пальці жовтіють шкіра

yellow and gives you ugly skin виглядає жахливо;

5. It makes your breath stink and д) це пусте марнування часу та грошей;

your hair and clothes smell awful. е)воно викликає рак легенів і рак горла;

6. It wastes your time and empties є)від вас тхне, як від старої попільниці;

your pockets.

7. It pollutes the air around you ж) ви набуваєте смердючого запаху

and makes your non –smoking з рота, а ваші речі жахливо

8. Friends avoid you. смердять;

9. It ruins you sex appeal. з) воно викликає задишку та призводить до емфіземи.

10.It makes you smell like

an old ask tray.

XIII. One of the most serious problems is drugs. Thousands of drug addicts die every year. Some die from drugs themselves. Others die from AIDS. This is because they use dirty needles or share them. Drugs are the second biggest business in the world. Only the arm industry is bigger. Is there a solution to this problem?

Two possible solutions:

    1. Advertising campaigns.

Their messages can be: " Say no to Drugs" " Just say No!", " Stop the Madness", "Don’t Use Drugs", " Choose life not drugs", " Be all you can be".

Think about your own message.

    1. Education.

Grown – ups must tell teenagers everything about drugs and give them drug – education lessons. They must tell them how addicts live.

How they steal money

lose their friends

hurt their families

are cheated by dealers

destroy their health

Remember these words:

" I don’t take drugs because I want to be in control of my life".
