The importance of the above two statements
Importance | Важность |
Compare | Сравнивать |
Competitor | Конкурент |
A number (of) | Ряд |
Ratio | Соотношение, коэффициент |
Compute | Вычислять |
Provide | Давать |
Profitability | Доходность |
Account receivable | Сумма, причитающаяся к получению, дебиторская задолженность |
Long-term | Долгосрочный |
Debt financing | Долговое финансирование (т.е. путем получения займов) |
Like | Как |
Those | Здесь заменяет слово''отчеты'' |
Accounting period | Отчетный период |
Average | Средняя величина |
As a whole | В целом |
- Федеральное агентство по образованию
- I. Введение
- Указания по работе с текстами для самостоятельной работы дома (10 тыс. Знаков).
- I семестр Outside Sources of Financing
- Vocabulary
- Short-term financing
- Long-term financing
- 1. Short-term financing is money that will be used for one year or less and then repaid.
- Answer the questions:
- Accounting General definition of accounting
- The basis for the accounting process
- A balance sheet
- An income statement
- The importance of the above two statements
- 1.General definition of accounting
- 2. The basis for the accounting process
- 3. A balance sheet
- 4. An income statement
- 5. The importance of the above two statements
- Answer the questions:
- In other words, the management is the process of coordinating the resources of an organization to achieve the primary organizational goals.
- Questions to the text:
- Forms of business in the usa Active vocabulary
- Questions to the text:
- Is the record-keeping and report-filing so necessary for sole traders in the usa?
- Forms of Business Ownership Active vocabulary
- III семестр Text 1. Currency and Other Forms of Exchange
- In which two ways might a creditor who needed the money dispose of a Bill? Text 2. Depositing Money with a Bank
- Questions on the text
- In what circumstances an overdraft on current account is permissible?
- Text 4. Bank Investments
- In general the banks do not lend to industry for long periods of time or for investment projects. They regard themselves as providing working capital rather than fixed capital.
- Assets and Liabilities
- Bookkeeping as Part of Accounting Cycle Active vocabulary
- Accounting Information Active vocabulary
- Questions to the text:
- Специальность мен, гму IV семестр (6-летки) the manager's role /3 000 3hak0b/
- Decision-making /4 000 знаков/
- In carrying out management functions, such as planning, organizing motivating and controlling, a manager will be continually making decisions. Decision-making is a key management responsibility.
- Traditional economies
- Market economies
- 2. Freedom of choice and enterprise.
- 4. Competition.
- 5. Markets and prices.
- Command Economies
- Mixed Economies
- Notes to the text:
- Inflow (out flow) приток (отлив, отток)
- If the company is doing badly and the shareholders sell their shares they get…
- If there is a regular inflow of receipts from sales and regular outflow of payment for expenses … corporate finance
- Notes to the text:
- Interest on bond has to be paid out …
- Why finance?
- I. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:
- In financing business operation, a company relies almost entirely on short-term financing.
- The Balance Sheet
- What is accounting?
- In 1440s they were ... Who developed accounting further as a result of information needs.
- In the 19th century managers had to develop accounting systems ...
- Accounting
- Notes to the text
- Vocabulary Exercise
- Bookkeepers, accountants and controllers
- Notes to the text:
- Auditor and their report
- Notes to the text:
- Sole Proprietorship
- Corporation
- Large Corporations in the usa
- Corporate Finance
- What Special Problems Face Small Business
- Starting-up Financing
- 3 Семестр additional material banks and financial intermediaries
- In the form of checking accounts, savings accounts, or other types of bank deposits.
- Commercial banking
- Types of banks
- Bank of england
- Additional Material
- 4 Семестр managing in future
- Financial statements
- Bookkeping
- What is accounting
- The development of accounting thought
- The profession of an accountant in the usa
- Accounting industry in the usa
- Bookkepping as part of accounting
- Modern accounting system
- 1. Goods and services
- 2. Resources
- 3. Households
- 4. Markets
- The role of government
- The role of government (to be continued)
- The mixed economy
- In a mixed economy the government may also be a producer of private goods such as steel or motor cars. Examples of this in the uk include nationalized industries such as steel and coal.
- Can inflation be beneficial?
- Market Economy (1400)
- Mixed Economies (500)
- Содержание: