4 Семестр managing in future
What does it mean “managing the future”? It means paying attention to the past, to present, and to past and current patterns of change in the world around you. In managing the future, understanding and initiating action are top priorities. Constant innovation and improvement are valuable action steps. Relying solely o the past is neither possible nor good business. Using a past orientation results in missing opportunities and not keeping up with changes in today’s emphasis on the customer. The past-oriented manager wants to attract and retain customers, but focuses on other parts of the business: the accounting system, tax laws, the source and flow of available raw materials.
One future-oriented company that respects and has learned from the past and appreciates its founder is McDonalds’s. This fast-food firm knows that the past can’t be repeated. This firm is in constant search of innovations to remain competitive, to build on its past reputation, and to improve its position in holding off more and more competitors. McDonald’s innovations include the Big Mac, the Egg Mc Muffin, etc.
McDonald’s keeps innovating and improving and learns from the past because it can’t afford to be lazy and nonrespective. The competition is too fierce and opportunistic. The firm responds to its changing external and internal environment with new products environmentally friendly waste products, improved service and better ways doing business.
Whether McDonald’s Corporation founder Ray Kroc ever studies or considered the historical roots of management isn’t known. However, by reviewing Kroc’s style and strategies, we get the impression that he used the past as a way of learning how to manage his and McDonalds’s future.
Kroc was an innovator who favoured taking action to stay ahead of the competition. The firm’s history clearly shows that his insistence on quality has become a part of McDonald’s internal cultural fabric.
Answer the questions:
What are top priorities in managing the future?
What is the difference between a past oriented company and a future-oriented company?
Why is McDonald’s a success?
Who was McDonald’s Corporation founded by?
What has become a part of McDonald’s internal cultural fabric?
Frederic Winslow Taylor (1856-1915. F/W/Taylor called the Father of Scientific Management was an engineer by training. Taylor believed that management’s principal object should be secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity of each employee. The mutual interdependence of management and worker was a common message he expressed.
Taylor’s view of science insisted upon the systematic observation and measurement of worker activities. He was driven by the notion of applying science to answer questions about efficiency, cooperation and motivation. Taylor believed that inefficient rules of management inevitably lead to inefficiency, low productivity, and low-quality work. He recommended developing a science of management, the scientific selection and development of human resources, and personal cooperation between management and workers. Taylor believed that conflict among employees would obstruct productivity and so should be eliminated.
Taylor advocated maximum specialization of labour. He believed the person should become a specialist and master of specific tasks. Also, he assumes that increased efficiency would result from specialization. Taylor was unhappy with anything short of the one best way. He searched through the use of scientific methods for the one best way to manage.
Taylor tried to find a way to combine the interests of both management and labour to avoid the necessity for sweatshop management. He believed that the key to harmony was seeking to discover the one best way to do a job, determine the optimum work pace, train people to do the job, determine the optimum work pace, train people to do the job properly, and reward successful performance by using an incentive pay system. Taylor believed that cooperation would replace conflict if workers and managers knew what was expected and saw the positive benefits of achieving mutual expectations.
Answer the questions:
What common message did Taylor express?
What did Taylor’s view of “science” insist upon?
Why did Taylor try to find a way to combine the interests of both management and labour?
What was the key to harmony he believed in?
Why did Taylor advocate maximum specialization of labour?
- Федеральное агентство по образованию
- I. Введение
- Указания по работе с текстами для самостоятельной работы дома (10 тыс. Знаков).
- I семестр Outside Sources of Financing
- Vocabulary
- Short-term financing
- Long-term financing
- 1. Short-term financing is money that will be used for one year or less and then repaid.
- Answer the questions:
- Accounting General definition of accounting
- The basis for the accounting process
- A balance sheet
- An income statement
- The importance of the above two statements
- 1.General definition of accounting
- 2. The basis for the accounting process
- 3. A balance sheet
- 4. An income statement
- 5. The importance of the above two statements
- Answer the questions:
- In other words, the management is the process of coordinating the resources of an organization to achieve the primary organizational goals.
- Questions to the text:
- Forms of business in the usa Active vocabulary
- Questions to the text:
- Is the record-keeping and report-filing so necessary for sole traders in the usa?
- Forms of Business Ownership Active vocabulary
- III семестр Text 1. Currency and Other Forms of Exchange
- In which two ways might a creditor who needed the money dispose of a Bill? Text 2. Depositing Money with a Bank
- Questions on the text
- In what circumstances an overdraft on current account is permissible?
- Text 4. Bank Investments
- In general the banks do not lend to industry for long periods of time or for investment projects. They regard themselves as providing working capital rather than fixed capital.
- Assets and Liabilities
- Bookkeeping as Part of Accounting Cycle Active vocabulary
- Accounting Information Active vocabulary
- Questions to the text:
- Специальность мен, гму IV семестр (6-летки) the manager's role /3 000 3hak0b/
- Decision-making /4 000 знаков/
- In carrying out management functions, such as planning, organizing motivating and controlling, a manager will be continually making decisions. Decision-making is a key management responsibility.
- Traditional economies
- Market economies
- 2. Freedom of choice and enterprise.
- 4. Competition.
- 5. Markets and prices.
- Command Economies
- Mixed Economies
- Notes to the text:
- Inflow (out flow) приток (отлив, отток)
- If the company is doing badly and the shareholders sell their shares they get…
- If there is a regular inflow of receipts from sales and regular outflow of payment for expenses … corporate finance
- Notes to the text:
- Interest on bond has to be paid out …
- Why finance?
- I. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:
- In financing business operation, a company relies almost entirely on short-term financing.
- The Balance Sheet
- What is accounting?
- In 1440s they were ... Who developed accounting further as a result of information needs.
- In the 19th century managers had to develop accounting systems ...
- Accounting
- Notes to the text
- Vocabulary Exercise
- Bookkeepers, accountants and controllers
- Notes to the text:
- Auditor and their report
- Notes to the text:
- Sole Proprietorship
- Corporation
- Large Corporations in the usa
- Corporate Finance
- What Special Problems Face Small Business
- Starting-up Financing
- 3 Семестр additional material banks and financial intermediaries
- In the form of checking accounts, savings accounts, or other types of bank deposits.
- Commercial banking
- Types of banks
- Bank of england
- Additional Material
- 4 Семестр managing in future
- Financial statements
- Bookkeping
- What is accounting
- The development of accounting thought
- The profession of an accountant in the usa
- Accounting industry in the usa
- Bookkepping as part of accounting
- Modern accounting system
- 1. Goods and services
- 2. Resources
- 3. Households
- 4. Markets
- The role of government
- The role of government (to be continued)
- The mixed economy
- In a mixed economy the government may also be a producer of private goods such as steel or motor cars. Examples of this in the uk include nationalized industries such as steel and coal.
- Can inflation be beneficial?
- Market Economy (1400)
- Mixed Economies (500)
- Содержание: