Text 4. Bank Investments
1. funds | фонды, денежные средства; запас, резерв |
| снимать со счёта |
| активы, средства; капитал; имущество, собственность |
| удовлетворять требования |
| деньги, отложенные на черный день (на случай сложного финансового положения ) |
| неожиданные нужды, требования |
| норма прибыли; коэффициент окупаемости капиталовложений |
| легко ликвидные (реализуемые) кредиты, ссуды |
| денежный рынок, рынок краткосрочного ссудного капитала |
| рынок долгосрочного ссудного капитала |
| доход по ценным бумагам, доход в виде процентов на вложенный капитал; приносить доход |
| облигация, закладная, долговое обязательство |
| легко (без труда) |
| пользующийся спросом; реализуемый, продаваемый |
| когда потребуется по какой-то причине |
| сокращенный срок уплаты |
| портфель ценных бумаг |
| оборотный капитал |
| основной капитал; активы длительного пользования |
| Первоклассный |
| первоклассная ценная бумага |
The investment policy of a bank is based upon the reconciliation of two conflicting aims. On the one hand the bank wants to make as much profit as it can and for this reason it must take the risks of lending money. On the other hand its funds belong to its depositors and must be available whenever they wish to make withdrawals.
There are two things that the bank must therefore do. First it must keep a proportion of its assets in the form of cash to meet demands. The amount that this needs to be varies very little from one bank to another or from one day to another and experience suggests that it is about six percent. As a cushion against unexpected demands a further proportion of funds is invested at low rates of return in highly liquid lending mostly to firms in the money and capital markets.
The second thing that the bank must do is to ensure that the investments it chooses are safe. This also means that they are relatively low yielding since high yields are associated with risk and with lending for long periods of time. Much of a bank’s investment is in short and medium term government and local government bonds. They yield certain incomes and are readily saleable should the occasion demand.
Advances by a bank to its customers are the least liquid of their assets since there are few borrowers who could repay a loan at very short notice. However, they are also the most profitable of them yielding the highest rates of return. Advances to customers are likely to account for more than two thirds of the banks investment portfolio although this will vary on a day to day basis since overdrafts are the most common form of advance and are not immediately controllable by the bank.
- Федеральное агентство по образованию
- I. Введение
- Указания по работе с текстами для самостоятельной работы дома (10 тыс. Знаков).
- I семестр Outside Sources of Financing
- Vocabulary
- Short-term financing
- Long-term financing
- 1. Short-term financing is money that will be used for one year or less and then repaid.
- Answer the questions:
- Accounting General definition of accounting
- The basis for the accounting process
- A balance sheet
- An income statement
- The importance of the above two statements
- 1.General definition of accounting
- 2. The basis for the accounting process
- 3. A balance sheet
- 4. An income statement
- 5. The importance of the above two statements
- Answer the questions:
- In other words, the management is the process of coordinating the resources of an organization to achieve the primary organizational goals.
- Questions to the text:
- Forms of business in the usa Active vocabulary
- Questions to the text:
- Is the record-keeping and report-filing so necessary for sole traders in the usa?
- Forms of Business Ownership Active vocabulary
- III семестр Text 1. Currency and Other Forms of Exchange
- In which two ways might a creditor who needed the money dispose of a Bill? Text 2. Depositing Money with a Bank
- Questions on the text
- In what circumstances an overdraft on current account is permissible?
- Text 4. Bank Investments
- In general the banks do not lend to industry for long periods of time or for investment projects. They regard themselves as providing working capital rather than fixed capital.
- Assets and Liabilities
- Bookkeeping as Part of Accounting Cycle Active vocabulary
- Accounting Information Active vocabulary
- Questions to the text:
- Специальность мен, гму IV семестр (6-летки) the manager's role /3 000 3hak0b/
- Decision-making /4 000 знаков/
- In carrying out management functions, such as planning, organizing motivating and controlling, a manager will be continually making decisions. Decision-making is a key management responsibility.
- Traditional economies
- Market economies
- 2. Freedom of choice and enterprise.
- 4. Competition.
- 5. Markets and prices.
- Command Economies
- Mixed Economies
- Notes to the text:
- Inflow (out flow) приток (отлив, отток)
- If the company is doing badly and the shareholders sell their shares they get…
- If there is a regular inflow of receipts from sales and regular outflow of payment for expenses … corporate finance
- Notes to the text:
- Interest on bond has to be paid out …
- Why finance?
- I. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:
- In financing business operation, a company relies almost entirely on short-term financing.
- The Balance Sheet
- What is accounting?
- In 1440s they were ... Who developed accounting further as a result of information needs.
- In the 19th century managers had to develop accounting systems ...
- Accounting
- Notes to the text
- Vocabulary Exercise
- Bookkeepers, accountants and controllers
- Notes to the text:
- Auditor and their report
- Notes to the text:
- Sole Proprietorship
- Corporation
- Large Corporations in the usa
- Corporate Finance
- What Special Problems Face Small Business
- Starting-up Financing
- 3 Семестр additional material banks and financial intermediaries
- In the form of checking accounts, savings accounts, or other types of bank deposits.
- Commercial banking
- Types of banks
- Bank of england
- Additional Material
- 4 Семестр managing in future
- Financial statements
- Bookkeping
- What is accounting
- The development of accounting thought
- The profession of an accountant in the usa
- Accounting industry in the usa
- Bookkepping as part of accounting
- Modern accounting system
- 1. Goods and services
- 2. Resources
- 3. Households
- 4. Markets
- The role of government
- The role of government (to be continued)
- The mixed economy
- In a mixed economy the government may also be a producer of private goods such as steel or motor cars. Examples of this in the uk include nationalized industries such as steel and coal.
- Can inflation be beneficial?
- Market Economy (1400)
- Mixed Economies (500)
- Содержание: