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The future of entrepreneurship

As 1 by the many different definitions, the term entrepreneurship

means different things to different people. However, in spite of the differences, there are some common aspects: risk taking, creativity, independence, and

2 . These common aspects are supposed to be the 3 force behind the

notion of entrepreneurship in the future. One thing is clear – the future for

entrepreneurship 4 to be bright. We are living in the age of the

entrepreneur, with entrepreneurship 5 by educational institutions,

governmental units, society, and corporations. Entrepreneurial education has never been so important 6 courses and academic 7 .


Various governments have also taken an increasing interest in 8

the growth of entrepreneurship. Individuals are 9 to create new

businesses and are provided such government 10 as tax incentives,

buildings (space), roads, and a communication system – a strong government

11 – to facilitate this creation process. The encouragement by the

federal and local governments is supposed to 12 in the future as more

lawmakers understand that new enterprises create jobs and increase the economic 13 in an area.