
Advertising agencies

An agent is a person or firm with authority to act for another (the principal)

in order to 1 a contractual relationship between the 2 and a

third party. However, advertising 3 are an exception to this rule, acting

as principals for the services they purchase on 4 of their clients. What

sorts of services do they provide? They will book advertising space and 5


and produce material for them. A business may generate and control the 6 of its advertisements, or it may use the services of an agency. Some

firms find it easier not to 7 their own advertisements. Take the case of

an engineering firm. No doubt they have a talented staff, but their training will

8 be in the 9 of engineering. They could not be expected to

10 an eye-catching advertisement any more than the advertising agency

staff could be expected to 11 a bridge or design a gas turbine.

The advertising agency will have developed its own 12 of

expertise which it then makes available to its clients. There will be various

13 of scale. Commercial artists can be employed. They will do nothing

else but create 14 called for in advertisements. The agency's managers

will be able to develop an 75 strategy for clients — and 16 it.

They will be able to produce a media schedule setting out a 17 of

planned insertions, showing 18 Costs, timing, nature of media and the

booking to be reserved. They will know the basic 19 made by advertising

20 for use of their services or facilities. Furthermore, because they are

big 21 of the newspapers and 22 and the television

networks, they will be able to 23 principals. For these reasons the

agency fees will usually be amply covered by the savings they are able to achieve for their clients.

Among the 24 staff in an advertising agency will be the media

buyer who is responsible for timely and 25 purchasing of media time and

space to discharge the requirements of a client's media schedule. Another 26 in the agency, the media planner, will be charged with formulating plans 27 all types of media in such a way as to enable a client to reach out to the potential markets with 28 efficiency and minimum expense.