Financial management
There are five basic financial goals: profitability, stability, liquidity, efficiency, and growth. To survive, every business must meet each of these goals to some extent, though a business must determine for itself the relative emphasis to place on each of the five goals.
Profitability refers to the generation of revenues in excess of the expenses associated with obtaining it. This is the “bottom-line” test of how successful a firm's operators have been as shown at the bottom of the income statements.
Stability refers to a business's overall financial structure. For example, a businessman may wish to invest as little of his own money as possible in his firm and finance his operation mainly with debt. If the debt-equity mix is too out of balance, the firm may go bankrupt should some of the creditors want their money
back at an “inconvenient” time. Many of the spectacular financial disasters reported in the newspapers resulted from neglect of the stability goal of sound financial management.
Liquidity refers to a business's ability to meet short-term obligations. For example, a manager may wish to invest as much of his firm's cash in inventory and equipment as possible, but if he overdoes it and cannot pay his employees or creditors on time, he can be forced into bankruptcy.
Efficiency refers to the efficient use of assets. Efficient use of assets has an impact on profitability, stability, liquidity, and the ability of the enterprise to grow.
Growth refers to increasing in size or acquiring more of something. A businesswoman may assess her financial performance by calculating, for example, how much sales or assets have increased this year over last year. While there are many widely held concerns about growth in general (for example, the zero population growth movement) business people and investors remain very interested in financial growth.
There are no clear-cut guidelines on how much or how little financial performance is adequate or on how to trade off performance on the financial goal in favour of another. For example, 10 percent sales growth may be terrible for a firm in one industry but excellent for a firm in another. Similarly, a high level of liquidity may be preferable to growth for a firm at one time and detrimental for the same firm at another.
Financial analysis and management is not just number pushing; judgment must be exercised as to what numbers to look at and how to interpret them. Often, a “qualitative factor”, something not expressed in numbers, is more important to the solution of a problem than all the numbers involved.
*2. Translate from Russian into English in a written form.
Слова “менеджмент”, “менеджер” широко применяются в деловой и даже повседневной жизни.
Английское слово “менеджмент” переводится на русский язык как “управление, организация, руководство”. В общем плане оно означает управление, т.е. организацию и руководство тем или иным видом деятельности: производством, экономикой, финансами и другими сферами деловой жизни человека.
В зарубежной литературе имеется много определений понятия “менеджмент”. Приведем три из них:
– достижение целей организации посредством скоординированных усилий работающих в ней людей;
– особый вид деятельности, превращающий неорганизованную толпу в эффективную, целенаправленную и производительную группу (организацию);
– процесс планирования, организации, руководства и контроля для достижения целей организации посредством скоординированного использования человеческих и материальных ресурсов.
И хотя эти определения очень различны, они тем не менее имеют три общие черты: обязательное наличие цели при управлении; особый, интеллектуальный характер этого вида деятельности; управление имеет место в организации. В третьем определении дополнительно к перечисленным чертам содержание менеджмента характеризуется как совокупность пяти процессов: планирования, организации, руководства, координации и контроля.
Цели: |
Вы должны знать: | Вы должны уметь: |
1. Лексика: | 1. Вести диалог и уметь рассказывать о |
активный словарь по теме. | профессии менеджера, используя актив- |
3. Роль менеджера в организации. | ную лексику урока. |
- Содержание зачета
- Содержание экзамена
- Нормы оценки
- Entry test
- I. Choose an appropriate variant.
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study your active vocabulary:
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table:
- 3. Match these words with the definitions below:
- 4. What are the opposites?
- 5. Form all possible combinations and translate them.
- 6. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:
- II. Reading Comprehension
- What is economics?
- III. Comprehension and Word Study
- 1. Translate into Russian.
- 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
- 3. Join the halves.
- 4. Make sentences positive or negative.
- 5. Say whether it is true or false:
- 6. Complete the following statements:
- History of economics
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study your active vocabulary:
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table:
- 3. Match these words with the definitions below.
- 4. What are the opposites?
- 5. Form all possible combinations and translate them:
- 6. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:
- 11. Reading Comprehension Read and translate the following text. Consult a dictionary if necessary. Small nations
- III. Comprehension and Word Study
- 1. Translate into Russian:
- 2. Translate into English:
- 3. Complete the sentences:
- 4. Join the halves.
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study your active vocabulary:
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table:
- 3. Match these words with the definitions below:
- 4. What are the opposites?
- 5. Form all possible combinations and translate them in Russian:
- 6. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:
- 11. Reading Comprehension Read and translate the following text. Consult a dictionary if necessary. Large nations
- 4. Join the halves.
- The economy of great britain
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study your active vocabulary:
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table:
- 3. Match these words with the definitions below:
- 4. Form all possible combinations and translate them:
- 5. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:
- 6. Give the opposites to the following words:
- II. Reading Comprehension
- Globalization of world economy
- III. Comprehension and Word Study
- 1. Translate from English into Russian:
- 2. Join the halves.
- 3. Translate from Russian into English:
- 4. Translate the words and put them in the sentences below.
- 5. Complete the sentences:
- Types of international business
- I. Choose an appropriate variant.
- II. Fill in the gaps with suitable words below:
- Entry test
- 1. Choose the most appropriate variant.
- 2. Choose the best endings to the following statements.
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study the following
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 3. Match the words with the definitions below.
- 4. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pairs.
- 5. What are the opposites?
- 6. Form all possible word combinations using the words of both columns and translate them in Russian:
- Reading Comprehension Read and translate the following text. Consult a dictionary if necessary. Entrepreneurship
- 1. Answer the questions:
- 2. Translate into English:
- 3. Complete the following sentences with the words given below:
- III. Intensive Reading Task
- Change from present life-style
- 1. Join the halves.
- 2. Complete the sentences:
- The future of entrepreneurship
- IV. Speaking Practice
- 1. Dramatize the dialogue and make up your own conversation on analogy.
- 2. Discuss in pairs advantages and disadvantages of being an entrepreneur.
- 3. Get ready to speak in detail about entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship.
- V. Written Task
- Desirability of new venture creation
- Types of start-ups
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study the following
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 3. Match the words with the definitions below.
- 4. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pairs.
- 5. What are the opposites?
- 6. Form all possible word combinations using the words of both columns and translate them into Russian.
- II. Reading comprehension
- 1. Answer the questions:
- 2. Translate into English:
- 3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box below.
- 4. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:
- III. Intensive Reading Task
- The history of money
- 1. Join the halves.
- 2. Complete the sentences:
- Business and money
- IV. Speaking Practice
- 1. Agree or disagree
- 2. Dramatize the dialogue and make up your own conversation on analogy.
- 3. Speak about money, substitute money, purchasing power and inflation using key words, phrases, the topic sentences and the outline.
- 4. Get ready to speak in details about money.
- V. Written Task
- The functions of money
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study the following words
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 3. Match the words with the definitions below.
- 4. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pairs.
- 5. What are the opposites?
- 6. Form all possible word combinations using the words of both columns and translate them in Russian:
- II. Reading Comprehension
- Determining Profit
- 1. Answer the questions:
- 2. Translate into English:
- 3. Complete the following sentences with suitable forms of the words in the box below:
- IV. Intensive Reading Task
- Importance of profit
- 1. Join the halves.
- 2. Complete the sentences:
- Factors affecting profit
- IV. Speaking Practice
- 1. Dramatize the dialogue and make up your own conversation on analogy.
- 2. Discuss in pairs the topic “Profit”.
- 3. Get ready to speak in detail about profit.
- V. Written Task
- How to increase profit?
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study the
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 3. Match the words with the definitions below.
- 4. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pairs.
- 5. What are the opposites?
- 6. Form all possible word combinations using the words of both columns and translate them in Russian:
- Reading Comprehension Read and translate the following text. Consult a dictionary if necessary. Advertising
- 1. Answer the questions:
- 2. Translate into English:
- III. Intensive Reading Task
- Copy and art working together
- 1. Join the halves.
- 2. Complete the sentences:
- 3. Decide which of the following statements are correct.
- 4. Which of the following expresses the main idea of the text best of all?
- Advertising agencies
- IV. Speaking Practice
- 1. Dramatize the dialogue and make up your own conversation on analogy.
- Speak about the notion of advertising and its functioning in our life.
- Get ready to speak in details about advertising.
- V. Written Task
- Advertising
- I. Choose the best endings to the following statements.
- II. Choose the most appropriate variant to complete the sentence.
- Entry test
- I. Choose the most appropriate variant to complete the sentences.
- 11. Choose the most appropriate variant.
- III. Choose the best.
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study the following words and word combinations.
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 3. Match the words with the definitions below:
- 4. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pairs.
- 5. Form all possible word combinations using the words of both columns and translate them in Russian.
- 6. Use the proper word forms in the sentences. Change the grammatical form of the words if necessary.
- 7. Complete the sentences with the words from the box below:
- II. Reading Comprehension
- Marketing
- III. Comprehension and Word Study
- 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.
- 2. Translate into English:
- 3. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:
- Marketing
- 1. Answer the questions:
- 2. Translate into English:
- 3. Translate into Russian:
- 4. Substitute appropriate terms for words or phrases in italics in the sentences below.
- 5. Fill in the gaps with the words given below and be ready to answer the questions.
- IV. Intensive Reading Tasks
- 1. Fill in the boxes with appropriate words …
- 2. Complete the sentences.
- V. Conversational Skills
- 1. Dramatize the dialogues and make up your own conversations on analogy. 1
- 2. Discuss the problem of marketing in pairs.
- Marketing plan
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study the following words and word combinations.
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 3. Do you know the meaning of the following derivatives? Show it with the help of your own sentences.
- 4. Match these words with the definitions below:
- 5. What are the opposites?
- 6. Form all possible words combinations and translate them.
- 7. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:
- II. Reading Comprehension
- Management
- III. Intensive reading task
- The general manager
- Find international words in paragraphs 1 and 2.
- Read the text again and choose the best endings to the following statements.
- 3. Complete the unfinished questions in column a that are answered in column b.
- 4. Translate into English:
- 5. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs into the future with “will”. Mind the word order in questions.
- 6. Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the future simple tense: make, check, motivate, give, influence, make. Mind the use of the active or passive voice.
- 7. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions of, for, in, with, to, on, from or at.
- Financial management
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study the following
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 3. Match the words with the definitions below:
- 4. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pairs.
- 5. What are the opposites?
- 6. Form all possible word combinations columns and translate them in Russian:
- 7. Study the meaning of the words from their definitions. Management
- II. Reading Comprehension
- What is a manager?
- 4. Complete the following sentences with suitable forms of the words below:
- 5. Translate into English:
- 6. Read the text. What is the main idea of it? Divide it into logical parts. Define the key-sentence to each part.
- IV. Intensive Reading Task
- 2. What is responsibility and what is authority? Insert the words responsibility or authority in the gaps.
- 3. Read and be ready to discuss most important characteristics for a successful manager.
- 4. Read the text and translate it. The business leader
- Management as a profession
- 1. Study the following words and word combinations:
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 3. Match the words with the definitions below:
- 4. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pairs.
- 5. What are the opposites?
- 6. Form all possible word combinations using the words of both columns and translate them into Russian.
- 7. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations:
- II. Reading Comprehension
- My future speciality
- III. Comprehension and Word Study
- 1. Give Russian equivalents to the word combinations:
- 2. Translate into English:
- 3. Complete the sentences:
- 4. Translate from Russian into English:
- Accounting
- IV. Intensive Reading Task
- 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.
- 2. Make questions and answer them:
- 3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box below.
- 4. Study the meaning of the words in bold type from the sentences.
- IV. Speaking Practice
- 1. Dramatize the dialogue and make up your own by analogy.
- 2. Make up the dialogue about accounting:
- 3. Speak about the accounting profession.
- V. Written Task
- 1. Translate into Russian using a dictionary.
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study the following words and word combinations:
- 2. Study the meaning of the words from the examples.
- 3. Think of your own sentences with the words. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 4. Match the words with the definitions below:
- 5. Look at the terms in the left-hand column and find the correct synonyms or definitions in the right-hand column.
- 6. What are the opposites?
- 7. Form all possible word combinations using the words of both columns and translate them in Russian:
- Reading Comprehension Read and translate the following text. Consult a dictionary if necessary. My future profession
- 5. Use the terms in the box to complete the phrases below. What is the Russian for these expressions?
- Financial markets
- IV. Intensive Reading Tasks
- 2. Study the meaning of the following words and expressions from their definitions.
- V. Speaking Practice
- 1. Dramatize the dialogues and make your own by analogy. A
- Why finance?
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study the
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 3. A) Study the meaning of the words from their definitions. Economy
- 4. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pairs.
- 5. What are the opposites?
- 6. Form all possible word combinations using the words of both columns and translate them in Russian.
- II. Reading Comprehension
- My future profession
- III. Comprehension and Word Study
- 1. Translate into Russian:
- 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box below:
- 3. Complete the sentences:
- 4. Translate into English:
- Economics as an academic discipline
- IV. Intensive Reading Task
- 1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box below:
- 2. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations.
- 3. Translate into English:
- I. Choose the correct alternative to fill each space in the text.
- II. Why Finance? Choose the right variant to fill the gaps.
- IV. Choose the right variant.
- Entry test
- I. Improve your word power.
- 1. Study the
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 3. Match the words with the definitions below.
- 4. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pairs.
- 5. What are the opposites?
- 6. Form all possible word combinations using the words of both columns and translate them in Russian:
- Reading Comprehension Read and translate the following text. Consult a dictionary if necessary. Business law
- 1. Answer the questions:
- 2. Translate into English:
- 3. Complete the sentences with suitable forms of the following words:
- III. Intensive Reading Task
- Four main types of partnership
- 1. Join the halves.
- 2. Complete the sentences:
- IV. Speaking Practice
- 1. Dramatize the dialogue and make up your own conversation on analogy.
- Discuss in pairs different forms of business, their advantages and disadvantages
- Get ready to speak in details about:
- V. Written Task
- The corporation
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study the following words and word combinations:
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 3. Match the words with the definitions below.
- 4. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pairs.
- 5. What are the opposites?
- 6. Form all possible word combinations using the words of both columns and translate them in Russian:
- Reading Comprehension Read and translate the following text. Consult a dictionary if necessary. Launching a business: documents and procedures
- 1. Answer the questions:
- 2. Translate into English:
- 3. Complete the following sentences with suitable forms of the following words:
- III. Intensive Reading Task
- Partner’s responsibilities and powers
- 1. Join the halves.
- 2. Complete the sentences:
- 3. Read the text and fill in the gaps:
- IV. Speaking Practice
- 1. Dramatize the dialogue and make up your own conversation on analogy.
- 2. Discuss in pairs
- 3. Get ready to speak in details about how to launch your own business.
- V. Written Task
- The factor of control
- I. Improve your wordpower.
- 1. Study the following words and word combinations:
- 2. Using a dictionary add as many words as possible into the table.
- 3. Match the words with the definitions below.
- 4. Choose the words with similar meaning from the two groups and arrange them in pairs.
- 5. What are the opposites?
- II. Reading Comprehension
- The business and the consumer
- 1. Answer the questions:
- 2. Translate into English:
- III. Intensive Reading Task
- 1. Join the halves.
- 2. Complete the sentences:
- Your rights when buying goods
- IV. Speaking Practice
- 1. Discuss in pairs:
- 2. The following short texts deal with various aspects of customer care.
- 3. Get ready to speak in details about business and consumer.
- V. Written Task
- Attracting and keeping customers and customer care the inside track
- Introduction
- Interrupting