Chocolate – like falling in love
Chocolate first came from Central America.
The word chocolate comes from the Aztec language and is the only Aztec word we use regularly in English. The Aztecs made a greasy, bitter drink called Xocoatl, from cocoa beans mixed with cold water, spices and cornmeal.
The Aztecs used the cocoa bean as a form of money. According to H.H.Bancroft, who was a historian, “four beans bought some vegetables, ten beans bought a woman and a slave cost 100.”
The explorer Cortes was the first person to bring chocolate to Europe. He presented it to the Spanish Royal Court in Madrid and served it with herbs and pepper. Soon it became very fashionable to drink it mixed with sugar and vanilla and drunk warm.
Coenrad van Houten, who was Dutch, was the first person to extract the cocoa butter from the cocoa bean in 1827.
In 1847, Joseph Fry, who lived in England, mixed the cocoa butter with other ingredients to make a solid chocolate bar.
Daniel Peter, who was a confectioner in Switzerland, invented milk chocolate in the 1870s. Henri Nestle developed the process.
The cocoa tree originally comes from the Amazon rainforests. Brazil, West Africa and Ecuador now produce most of the 1.5 million-tonne world cocoa crop.
The Mexicans put chocolate in savoury dishes. They serve mole, which is a kind of chocolate sauce, with roast chicken.
It takes all the beans from one cocoa tree to make 500g of chocolate.
In Britain, people spend an average of 98p a week on chocolate. Women, who buy more than two-thirds of the chocolate, eat less than 40 per cent.
An average British person eats between 8.5-9.8 kg a year, except the Scots, who eat 30 per cent more.
Chocolate contains small amounts of the chemical phenylethylamine, which is also naturally present in the brain and which gives us the same feelings as when we fall in love.
The world’s largest chocolate model was a 10m by 5m representation of the Olympic Centre in Barcelona.
In 1980, the Swiss police arrested a young couple because they were trying to sell chocolate secrets to foreign powers. They offered the recipes for 40 different chocolates to the Soviet and Chinese embassies.
- Part I what we eat Fruit and Vegetables
- H. Translate into English:
- In a sauce
- Pasta and bread
- Herbs, spices and nuts
- Vanilla
- Vinegar
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 9 Do you eat to live or live to eat?
- Exercise 19
- Part II healthy eating
- What Do the Stars Eat?
- Vocabulary Practice
- Reading
- To meat or not to meat
- Reading
- What is a healthy diet?
- How much fat is too much for healthy eating?
- General Advice
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Reading
- What Our Food Contains
- Junk Food
- Vocabulary Practice
- A. Ask for b. Demand c. Order d. Command
- A. Grabbed b. Snatched c. Took d. Bit
- A. Earn b. Win c. Put d. Gain
- A. Diet b. Fast c. Nutrition d. Health
- Eat, drink… and don’t be sorry
- Vocabulary Practice
- Exercise 3. Read the text again and talk about chocolate, sugar, cheese, butter and cream, meat and coffee or tea in terms of : nutrients, calories and ways they affect the human system.
- Reading
- A view of fast food
- Listening
- Speaking
- Role-play
- Reading
- What is cholesterol?
- For less cholesterol…
- 1. Вітамін та його молодший брат - каротин.
- 3. Редис – поліпшувач травлення.
- Exercise 2
- Part b. Say what someone should do to change their unhealthy eating habits. E.G. You should eat fruit instead of crisps when you want a snack.
- The balanced diet
- It is interesting to know
- In Eating Habits, East is Better than West
- Reading
- He isn’t heavy, he’s on redux
- Keeping fit
- How did you score?
- Fighting fit
- Розпочніть день правильно
- 5 Дієт на всі випадки життя
- Genetically engineered food
- Reading
- Eat less and live longer
- Vegetables
- Single serves
- Part III cooking
- Ways of cooking food – verbs
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 6
- Pea soup
- Holubtsi (Cabbage Rolls)
- Speaking
- Chocolate – like falling in love
- Vocabulary Practice
- Exercise 11
- Sponge cake
- Speaking
- Stuffed tomatoes
- Exercise 13
- Apple cake
- Ingredients
- Shepherd’s pie
- Ingredients
- Varenyky with cottage cheese
- Exercise 16
- Бісквіт зі смородиновою начинкою
- Ягідний торт з горіхами та йогуртом
- Fish and Chips
- Irish Stew
- Burger and Fries
- Pancakes with Maple Syrup
- Exercise 17
- Describing food
- Exercise 18
- Десять заповідей кухаря
- A Housewife’s Day
- Baked tuna and apple flambé
- Part IV my meals
- Why We Eat What We Eat
- Comprehension check
- Interested
- Interesting
- Words to remember
- Phrases to remember
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 6
- Exercise 7
- Let’s eat breakfast
- Exercise 8
- Reading
- The cocktail you couldn't mix
- Drinking
- It is interesting to know
- Champagne
- Vintage and non-vintage champagne
- Exercise 19 Translate the following sentences into English:
- I. Nonfood considerations.
- II. Food
- Exercise 20 Translate the following into Ukrainian:
- Part V
- Eating out
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 5
- Korean Dining
- Reading
- Glossary
- Role-play
- Reading
- At the Restaurant
- Exercise 9
- In the dining-hall
- Exercise 10 Translate into English:
- Listening
- Translate into English:
- До мережі сендвіч-барів
- Caribbean Club
- Turkish Antalya
- Khutorets
- Italian
- International
- Listening
- Exercise 14
- Exercise 15
- Exercise 16
- Role-play
- Exercise 18 Translate into English:
- Post-listening
- Ordering food in a restaurant
- Exercise 19
- Crossword
- The Restaurant Game
- Main dishes
- Desserts
- Beverages
- Speaking
- Introduction
- Speaking
- Introduction
- Main Body
- Exercise 24
- Part VI table manners a list of do’s and don’ts
- Never stretch over the table for something you want, ask your neighbour to pass it.
- Never ______ over the table for something you want, ask your ________ to pass it.
- The abc of Table Manners
- Speaking
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Speaking
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 6
- Part a. Зовсім нескладний етикет.
- Part VII National cuisine
- Ukrainian Cuisine
- It is interesting to know
- Ukrainian specialities
- Ukrainian cuisine
- English Cuisine Reading
- Australian food
- Eat your heart out …in the usa
- French cuisine
- Asian food
- Greek guisine - simplicity inspired by gods
- Revision topics
- 10. International cuisine.