In Eating Habits, East is Better than West
Do you want to be healthier and live longer? Then take some lessons from the Chinese. And stay away from the typical North American diet.
The Chinese eat a healthy, plant-based diet. A joint study by Chinese, American, and British scientists found that although the Chinese diet varies from region to region, it generally includes a lot of rice, grains and fruit. Animal products are eaten sparingly. In southern China, for instance, almost every meal includes a big bowl of rice. People usually eat a vegetable with the meal, perhaps some fruit, and maybe some fish. Pork and chicken are eaten only on special occasions.
The rate for heart disease among men in China is one-sixteenth the rate in the U.S. The rate for colon cancer is only about two-fifths of the U.S. rate. Scientists believe that the poor diet of North Americans is killing them. The average citizen consumes too much meat, sugar and salt and not enough vegetables, grains, and fiber. And these unhealthy eating habits are prime suspects in several serious diseases: heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers.
T. Colin Campbell, a co-author of the study mentioned above, calls these diseases “diseases of wealth”. As countries become richer, people begin to eat more meat. Heart disease and certain kinds of cancer increase. This is happening in Japan, where the traditional low-meat diet is giving way to increased meat consumption. Unfortunately, this is beginning to happen in the wealthier parts of China too. In this case, at least, traditions should be kept.
Is your diet more like the Chinese diet or the North American diet?
Phrases to remember
To eat on the go/on the move; (not) to enjoy a hurried meal; to take one’s time over one’s meal; to eat to excess; to overeat; to do harm; to have a snack; to put on/gain weight; to lose weight; to slim; slimming diet; crash diet; to go on a diet; to be on a diet; to keep/stick to a diet; to follow a diet
Exercise 5
Translate into English:
Коли я на дієті, я їм тільки овочі та фрукти.
Я не раджу вам їсти жирного м’яса, хліба, макаронних виробів та картоплі, якщо ви хочете схуднути, а також потрібно дотримуватися спеціальної суворої дієти та уникати вживання високо калорійної їжі.
Я ніколи не переїдаю, тому що знаю, що надмірне харчування, а також споживання продуктів, які містять велику кількість насиченого жиру спричиняють збільшення ваги, підвищення рівня холестерину у крові та зростання ризику захворювання.
Мені подобається добре приправлена спеціями їжа, хоча це шкідливо.
Дуже часто кава шкодить людям похилого віку.
Ягоди: малину, полуниці, суниці, агрус, смородину, виноград – ви можете їсти без обмежень.
Я не можу сказати, що мені подобається їсти на ходу.
8) Погляньте, що їдять люди! Я знаю одного чоловіка, який вживає лише тільки натуральні продукти, багаті на вітаміни, мінерали та протеїн.
9) Він дотримується гарно збалансованої дієти, з усіма поживними елементами і приймає ретельно підраховану кількість жирів, вуглеводів, крохмалю і заліза, але ніколи в житті я не бачив людини, яка б мала такий хворобливий вигляд.
10) Щодо мене, то я їм багато, і мені здається, що правильно харчуватися - не смачно.
- Part I what we eat Fruit and Vegetables
- H. Translate into English:
- In a sauce
- Pasta and bread
- Herbs, spices and nuts
- Vanilla
- Vinegar
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 9 Do you eat to live or live to eat?
- Exercise 19
- Part II healthy eating
- What Do the Stars Eat?
- Vocabulary Practice
- Reading
- To meat or not to meat
- Reading
- What is a healthy diet?
- How much fat is too much for healthy eating?
- General Advice
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Reading
- What Our Food Contains
- Junk Food
- Vocabulary Practice
- A. Ask for b. Demand c. Order d. Command
- A. Grabbed b. Snatched c. Took d. Bit
- A. Earn b. Win c. Put d. Gain
- A. Diet b. Fast c. Nutrition d. Health
- Eat, drink… and don’t be sorry
- Vocabulary Practice
- Exercise 3. Read the text again and talk about chocolate, sugar, cheese, butter and cream, meat and coffee or tea in terms of : nutrients, calories and ways they affect the human system.
- Reading
- A view of fast food
- Listening
- Speaking
- Role-play
- Reading
- What is cholesterol?
- For less cholesterol…
- 1. Вітамін та його молодший брат - каротин.
- 3. Редис – поліпшувач травлення.
- Exercise 2
- Part b. Say what someone should do to change their unhealthy eating habits. E.G. You should eat fruit instead of crisps when you want a snack.
- The balanced diet
- It is interesting to know
- In Eating Habits, East is Better than West
- Reading
- He isn’t heavy, he’s on redux
- Keeping fit
- How did you score?
- Fighting fit
- Розпочніть день правильно
- 5 Дієт на всі випадки життя
- Genetically engineered food
- Reading
- Eat less and live longer
- Vegetables
- Single serves
- Part III cooking
- Ways of cooking food – verbs
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 6
- Pea soup
- Holubtsi (Cabbage Rolls)
- Speaking
- Chocolate – like falling in love
- Vocabulary Practice
- Exercise 11
- Sponge cake
- Speaking
- Stuffed tomatoes
- Exercise 13
- Apple cake
- Ingredients
- Shepherd’s pie
- Ingredients
- Varenyky with cottage cheese
- Exercise 16
- Бісквіт зі смородиновою начинкою
- Ягідний торт з горіхами та йогуртом
- Fish and Chips
- Irish Stew
- Burger and Fries
- Pancakes with Maple Syrup
- Exercise 17
- Describing food
- Exercise 18
- Десять заповідей кухаря
- A Housewife’s Day
- Baked tuna and apple flambé
- Part IV my meals
- Why We Eat What We Eat
- Comprehension check
- Interested
- Interesting
- Words to remember
- Phrases to remember
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 6
- Exercise 7
- Let’s eat breakfast
- Exercise 8
- Reading
- The cocktail you couldn't mix
- Drinking
- It is interesting to know
- Champagne
- Vintage and non-vintage champagne
- Exercise 19 Translate the following sentences into English:
- I. Nonfood considerations.
- II. Food
- Exercise 20 Translate the following into Ukrainian:
- Part V
- Eating out
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 5
- Korean Dining
- Reading
- Glossary
- Role-play
- Reading
- At the Restaurant
- Exercise 9
- In the dining-hall
- Exercise 10 Translate into English:
- Listening
- Translate into English:
- До мережі сендвіч-барів
- Caribbean Club
- Turkish Antalya
- Khutorets
- Italian
- International
- Listening
- Exercise 14
- Exercise 15
- Exercise 16
- Role-play
- Exercise 18 Translate into English:
- Post-listening
- Ordering food in a restaurant
- Exercise 19
- Crossword
- The Restaurant Game
- Main dishes
- Desserts
- Beverages
- Speaking
- Introduction
- Speaking
- Introduction
- Main Body
- Exercise 24
- Part VI table manners a list of do’s and don’ts
- Never stretch over the table for something you want, ask your neighbour to pass it.
- Never ______ over the table for something you want, ask your ________ to pass it.
- The abc of Table Manners
- Speaking
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Speaking
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 6
- Part a. Зовсім нескладний етикет.
- Part VII National cuisine
- Ukrainian Cuisine
- It is interesting to know
- Ukrainian specialities
- Ukrainian cuisine
- English Cuisine Reading
- Australian food
- Eat your heart out …in the usa
- French cuisine
- Asian food
- Greek guisine - simplicity inspired by gods
- Revision topics
- 10. International cuisine.