Eat less and live longer
“All those snacks will be the death of you”, say scientists. Scientists believe they may have found the key to a longer life. Just eat less. The human lifespan could be extended by as much as 59 years if calories are cut and waistlines trimmed, the theory goes.
Research with mice and rats has shown that a strict diet not only increases lifespan – it cuts disease.
Dr. Brian Merry, of the Institute of Human Ageing at Liverpool University, has been studying diet as part of the process of ageing.
“We are quite literally eating ourselves to death,” he says. “Only recently it was reported that as a nation we are becoming more obese.”
“We have managed to extend a rat’s lifespan by anything up to 42 per cent. But American groups have managed 50 to 60 per cent.”
“It does not only slow down ageing but also protects animals against the diseases of ageing.”
Biologists have now launched a controversial international trial with 60 volunteers, despite some scientific misgivings.
The U.S. government is expected to give its approval later in the year to expand the programme. British volunteer Malcolm Greenhill, 41, hopes to cut his body weight by up to 20 per cent on a diet of vegetables, rice, oats and fruit.
“It was about a year ago that I first became interested,” he said. “My mother had just died of cancer and my father suffered a heart attack and then had a quadruple operation.”
“I am going to live to 140. I know that’s wildly provocative thing to say, but at least I reckon that caloric restriction will put me in a position to take advantage of all the new science that is going to extend our lives.”
The research team, based in Arkansas, took the decision to try the diet model out on humans after stunning results on rodents.
Dr. Merry predicts that scientists will understand the reasons why diet restriction delays ageing within five years.
But he is skeptical of trying out the diet model on human beings. “People should not even think of doing this to themselves because it could result in brain damage,” he said.
“I think we need to understand a little bit more about how this process works before taking it a step further. We are concerned with improving the quality of life, not just the span.”
Exercise 9
Translate into English:
Алла Пугачова та Пилип Кіркоров припинили вживати алкогольні напої і перейшли на роздільне харчування. Про те, як змінила свою зовнішність зоряна пара, не знав ніхто. Одні розповідали про якусь супердієту, інші - про банальне відсмоктування жиру. Але все набагато простіше: Алла Борисівна та Пилип перейшли на роздільне харчування. Що ж це за таємниче словосполучення? Пилип каже, що все дуже просто: вам потрібно вживати білки окремо від вуглеводів. Головне запам`ятати які продукти належать до білкової групи, а які до вуглеводної.
Отож, білкова група - це м`ясо, риба, яйця, молочні продукти, сир, томати та фрукти (окрім бананів). До групи вуглеводів належать всі крупи, вироби з борошна, картопля, банани, фініки, абрикоси та інжир.
Існує також так звана нейтральна група. Це ті продукти які можна поєднувати з білками та вуглеводами. Сюди належать майже всі овочі (баклажани, капуста, гарбуз, морква, перець, редька та інші), а також гриби, деякі молочні продукти і горіхи.
На відміну від жорстких голодувань, роздільне харчування сприймається організмом набагато краще. Ви їсте все, що завгодно, лише не змішуєте відповідні продукти. Якщо після голодування ви втрачаєте 10-20 кг, але потім дуже швидко їх набираєте, то при роздільному харчуванні ви худнете непомітно, але результат зберігається протягом декількох років.
Ще Кіркоров дуже полюбляв Колу та Пепсі. Він міг залишитись голодним, але слухався своєї спраги і пив ... Пепсі. Тепер Пилип п`є лише мінеральну воду без газу. А щодо алкогольних напоїв, зірки були змушені зовсім відмовитись від таких ласощів.
Exercise 10
Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
- Part I what we eat Fruit and Vegetables
- H. Translate into English:
- In a sauce
- Pasta and bread
- Herbs, spices and nuts
- Vanilla
- Vinegar
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 9 Do you eat to live or live to eat?
- Exercise 19
- Part II healthy eating
- What Do the Stars Eat?
- Vocabulary Practice
- Reading
- To meat or not to meat
- Reading
- What is a healthy diet?
- How much fat is too much for healthy eating?
- General Advice
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Reading
- What Our Food Contains
- Junk Food
- Vocabulary Practice
- A. Ask for b. Demand c. Order d. Command
- A. Grabbed b. Snatched c. Took d. Bit
- A. Earn b. Win c. Put d. Gain
- A. Diet b. Fast c. Nutrition d. Health
- Eat, drink… and don’t be sorry
- Vocabulary Practice
- Exercise 3. Read the text again and talk about chocolate, sugar, cheese, butter and cream, meat and coffee or tea in terms of : nutrients, calories and ways they affect the human system.
- Reading
- A view of fast food
- Listening
- Speaking
- Role-play
- Reading
- What is cholesterol?
- For less cholesterol…
- 1. Вітамін та його молодший брат - каротин.
- 3. Редис – поліпшувач травлення.
- Exercise 2
- Part b. Say what someone should do to change their unhealthy eating habits. E.G. You should eat fruit instead of crisps when you want a snack.
- The balanced diet
- It is interesting to know
- In Eating Habits, East is Better than West
- Reading
- He isn’t heavy, he’s on redux
- Keeping fit
- How did you score?
- Fighting fit
- Розпочніть день правильно
- 5 Дієт на всі випадки життя
- Genetically engineered food
- Reading
- Eat less and live longer
- Vegetables
- Single serves
- Part III cooking
- Ways of cooking food – verbs
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 6
- Pea soup
- Holubtsi (Cabbage Rolls)
- Speaking
- Chocolate – like falling in love
- Vocabulary Practice
- Exercise 11
- Sponge cake
- Speaking
- Stuffed tomatoes
- Exercise 13
- Apple cake
- Ingredients
- Shepherd’s pie
- Ingredients
- Varenyky with cottage cheese
- Exercise 16
- Бісквіт зі смородиновою начинкою
- Ягідний торт з горіхами та йогуртом
- Fish and Chips
- Irish Stew
- Burger and Fries
- Pancakes with Maple Syrup
- Exercise 17
- Describing food
- Exercise 18
- Десять заповідей кухаря
- A Housewife’s Day
- Baked tuna and apple flambé
- Part IV my meals
- Why We Eat What We Eat
- Comprehension check
- Interested
- Interesting
- Words to remember
- Phrases to remember
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 6
- Exercise 7
- Let’s eat breakfast
- Exercise 8
- Reading
- The cocktail you couldn't mix
- Drinking
- It is interesting to know
- Champagne
- Vintage and non-vintage champagne
- Exercise 19 Translate the following sentences into English:
- I. Nonfood considerations.
- II. Food
- Exercise 20 Translate the following into Ukrainian:
- Part V
- Eating out
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 5
- Korean Dining
- Reading
- Glossary
- Role-play
- Reading
- At the Restaurant
- Exercise 9
- In the dining-hall
- Exercise 10 Translate into English:
- Listening
- Translate into English:
- До мережі сендвіч-барів
- Caribbean Club
- Turkish Antalya
- Khutorets
- Italian
- International
- Listening
- Exercise 14
- Exercise 15
- Exercise 16
- Role-play
- Exercise 18 Translate into English:
- Post-listening
- Ordering food in a restaurant
- Exercise 19
- Crossword
- The Restaurant Game
- Main dishes
- Desserts
- Beverages
- Speaking
- Introduction
- Speaking
- Introduction
- Main Body
- Exercise 24
- Part VI table manners a list of do’s and don’ts
- Never stretch over the table for something you want, ask your neighbour to pass it.
- Never ______ over the table for something you want, ask your ________ to pass it.
- The abc of Table Manners
- Speaking
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Speaking
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 6
- Part a. Зовсім нескладний етикет.
- Part VII National cuisine
- Ukrainian Cuisine
- It is interesting to know
- Ukrainian specialities
- Ukrainian cuisine
- English Cuisine Reading
- Australian food
- Eat your heart out …in the usa
- French cuisine
- Asian food
- Greek guisine - simplicity inspired by gods
- Revision topics
- 10. International cuisine.