Part b. Say what someone should do to change their unhealthy eating habits. E.G. You should eat fruit instead of crisps when you want a snack.
Exercise 3
Which of these people are the healthiest? Put them in order. Explain the reasons for your decision.
Jim: Job: computer programmer (sits at a desk all day)
Exercise: playing football for one and a half hours every Saturday afternoon
Smoking/drinking: drinks five cans of beer a week
Diet: eats a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables
Diana: Job: manager in advertising (has a lot of stress)
Exercise: plays squash every lunch time
Smoking/drinking: drinks half a bottle of wine per day
Diet: fast food: sandwiches, beefburgers or pizza
Nigel: Job: works in a shoe shop (standing all day, walking around the shop)
Exercise: none
Smoking/drinking: drinks ten cans of beer a week
Diet: has beefburgers or chips at lunch, salad in the evening
Anne: Job: air stewardess (on her feet most of the day, but quite often can’t sleep at night – in strange hotels around the world)
Exercise: three hours’ jogging every week
Smoking/drinking: drinks half a bottle of wine per week
Diet: not too bad, but eats quite a lot of rich, spicy foods when staying abroad; loves cake and eats two bars of chocolate per week.
Exercise 4
Answer the questions and add up your scores to see if you have a balanced diet.
- Part I what we eat Fruit and Vegetables
- H. Translate into English:
- In a sauce
- Pasta and bread
- Herbs, spices and nuts
- Vanilla
- Vinegar
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 9 Do you eat to live or live to eat?
- Exercise 19
- Part II healthy eating
- What Do the Stars Eat?
- Vocabulary Practice
- Reading
- To meat or not to meat
- Reading
- What is a healthy diet?
- How much fat is too much for healthy eating?
- General Advice
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Reading
- What Our Food Contains
- Junk Food
- Vocabulary Practice
- A. Ask for b. Demand c. Order d. Command
- A. Grabbed b. Snatched c. Took d. Bit
- A. Earn b. Win c. Put d. Gain
- A. Diet b. Fast c. Nutrition d. Health
- Eat, drink… and don’t be sorry
- Vocabulary Practice
- Exercise 3. Read the text again and talk about chocolate, sugar, cheese, butter and cream, meat and coffee or tea in terms of : nutrients, calories and ways they affect the human system.
- Reading
- A view of fast food
- Listening
- Speaking
- Role-play
- Reading
- What is cholesterol?
- For less cholesterol…
- 1. Вітамін та його молодший брат - каротин.
- 3. Редис – поліпшувач травлення.
- Exercise 2
- Part b. Say what someone should do to change their unhealthy eating habits. E.G. You should eat fruit instead of crisps when you want a snack.
- The balanced diet
- It is interesting to know
- In Eating Habits, East is Better than West
- Reading
- He isn’t heavy, he’s on redux
- Keeping fit
- How did you score?
- Fighting fit
- Розпочніть день правильно
- 5 Дієт на всі випадки життя
- Genetically engineered food
- Reading
- Eat less and live longer
- Vegetables
- Single serves
- Part III cooking
- Ways of cooking food – verbs
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 6
- Pea soup
- Holubtsi (Cabbage Rolls)
- Speaking
- Chocolate – like falling in love
- Vocabulary Practice
- Exercise 11
- Sponge cake
- Speaking
- Stuffed tomatoes
- Exercise 13
- Apple cake
- Ingredients
- Shepherd’s pie
- Ingredients
- Varenyky with cottage cheese
- Exercise 16
- Бісквіт зі смородиновою начинкою
- Ягідний торт з горіхами та йогуртом
- Fish and Chips
- Irish Stew
- Burger and Fries
- Pancakes with Maple Syrup
- Exercise 17
- Describing food
- Exercise 18
- Десять заповідей кухаря
- A Housewife’s Day
- Baked tuna and apple flambé
- Part IV my meals
- Why We Eat What We Eat
- Comprehension check
- Interested
- Interesting
- Words to remember
- Phrases to remember
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 6
- Exercise 7
- Let’s eat breakfast
- Exercise 8
- Reading
- The cocktail you couldn't mix
- Drinking
- It is interesting to know
- Champagne
- Vintage and non-vintage champagne
- Exercise 19 Translate the following sentences into English:
- I. Nonfood considerations.
- II. Food
- Exercise 20 Translate the following into Ukrainian:
- Part V
- Eating out
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 5
- Korean Dining
- Reading
- Glossary
- Role-play
- Reading
- At the Restaurant
- Exercise 9
- In the dining-hall
- Exercise 10 Translate into English:
- Listening
- Translate into English:
- До мережі сендвіч-барів
- Caribbean Club
- Turkish Antalya
- Khutorets
- Italian
- International
- Listening
- Exercise 14
- Exercise 15
- Exercise 16
- Role-play
- Exercise 18 Translate into English:
- Post-listening
- Ordering food in a restaurant
- Exercise 19
- Crossword
- The Restaurant Game
- Main dishes
- Desserts
- Beverages
- Speaking
- Introduction
- Speaking
- Introduction
- Main Body
- Exercise 24
- Part VI table manners a list of do’s and don’ts
- Never stretch over the table for something you want, ask your neighbour to pass it.
- Never ______ over the table for something you want, ask your ________ to pass it.
- The abc of Table Manners
- Speaking
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Speaking
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 6
- Part a. Зовсім нескладний етикет.
- Part VII National cuisine
- Ukrainian Cuisine
- It is interesting to know
- Ukrainian specialities
- Ukrainian cuisine
- English Cuisine Reading
- Australian food
- Eat your heart out …in the usa
- French cuisine
- Asian food
- Greek guisine - simplicity inspired by gods
- Revision topics
- 10. International cuisine.